UK Town to Burn Harvey Weinstein In Effigy on Bonfire Night

LONDON (AP) — A British town plans to burn a 36-foot (11-meter) effigy of Harvey Weinstein at its annual Bonfire Night celebrations.

Each year the Edenbridge Bonfire Society chooses a well-known figure to go up in flames alongside an effigy of 17th-century militant Guy Fawkes.

The society says the movie mogul was the obvious choice after many women made allegations of sexual harassment and assault against him.

The effigy unveiled Wednesday appears in a bathrobe, holding a Hollywood star and a clapperboard with “final cut” on it. It will be burned Saturday in the southern England town.

The society stressed while the event is light-hearted, there’s “nothing funny” about the allegations.

Towns across Britain light bonfires and fireworks to commemorate Guy Fawkes’ failed Nov. 5 Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament in 1605.

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