Charlotte Woman Unloads On Fox News Reporter Asking Why She’s Out Protesting

On Sept. 21, a Charlotte, North Carolina protester confronts a FOX News reporter for his response to a shooting during the protest.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police shot 43-year-old Keith Scott Tuesday after claiming the man posed an imminent threat to them.

However, a witness says Scott was unarmed and complied with officers.

Since the shooting, protesters have stormed the streets looking for justice.

In the clip, the woman overhears reporter Steve Harrigan talk about a shooting that occurred at last night’s protest.

She interjects, and begins to spar with the reporter.

Harrigan asks the protester why she was at the protest, implying that she really does not care because someone was recently shot.

“If a man was shot about 50 yards over there, and we don’t know by who, why are you here?”

“Why am I here? Because I serve a purpose, sir. Because my father serves a purpose, my brother serves a purpose … OK, you said a man got shot over here, right? So you basically said why would I put myself in danger? Because I could be at work, in school, in my car — I could still get shot by the police! … You wanna make a f—- fabricated story.”

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