Ray Lewis Makes Head Scratching Comments About Recent Police Shootings

On the Sept. 21 edition of FOX Sports One’s “Undisputed,” former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Lewis discuss the Terence Crutcher shooting.

Friday, Sept. 16, Tulsa, Oklahoma police shot the 40-year-old after his car stalled in the middle of a north Tulsa road.

According to initial reports, the man did not comply with officers and did not have his hands up.

However, Atlanta Black Star reported that Crutcher did have his hands up and was unarmed as shown in the dash cam and aerial footage released this week.

In the segment, Lewis believes stronger faith in God will end police shootings.

“We’re taking lives without even thinking about it,” the commentator starts. “We are taking lives because of skin color … We’re taking lives because it is good versus evil …  These crimes are not race driven, they are hate driven. ”

Then, Lewis implies that San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick’s protest is ineffective.

“Since he’s been kneeling, we have still had numerous murders by cops … We will never see change until we understand that we must stop killing each other …”

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