Rodney King’s Daughter Teams Up with LAPD to Improve Community Relations

The daughter of Rodney King — the man involved in the infamous 1991 police brutality incident — has partnered with Los Angeles Police to create a rapport between Black residents and officers.

The Associated Press reports that 32-year-old Lora King joined officers Thursday, Sept. 15 to reach out to teens who have had bad run-ins with police. She spoke to 50 young adults working with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps. Through the program, these at-risk teens have access to jobs and educational resources.

“That’s actually what my dad stood for, so I’m following in his footsteps. He had no hatred in his heart for police,” she states in the clip. “He held no ill feelings toward anybody. We definitely couldn’t neither … [We want to look for] a solution rather than dwell on the problem. ”

King told the AP that she has had bad run-ins with police prior to this community outreach initiative. However, she believes that not all cops are bad.

“It is hard to trust. But it’s not going to get anything resolved by hating.”

Her father died in 2012 due to an accidental drowning, but King wants to remember him by ending rampant police brutality.

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