Stephen Curry ‘Most Likely’ Won’t Join Kaepernick’s Protest But Will Aid in Other Ways

Stephen Curry said he will “most likely” stand for the national anthem when the NBA season begins in six weeks.

The basketball player revealed the news during a TechCrunch Disrupt question and answer session Sept. 13.

According to The Mercury News, Curry appeared to promote his new business and a charity effort.

The Golden State Warriors player co-founded Slyce. The start-up business helps brands and celebrities sort through their social media to find important content.

On the philanthropic side, Curry is continuing his partnership with Nothing But Nets. For every three-pointer he scores, Curry donates three mosquito nets to a sub-Saharan African country to fight malaria.

But the Q&A session inevitably turned to Curry’s support for Colin Kaepernick.

Two weeks ago, the NBA point guard told CNBC he “applauded” Kaepernick’s choice to sit down and later kneel during the “Star Spangled Banner.”

At Tuesday night’s panel, Curry remained supportive.

However, he revealed he would likely not protest in the same manner as Kaepernick.

“I’ll most likely stand,” Curry said. “Colin, if you follow the way he talks, the message he’s trying to send with his act, he’s not, from his mouth, disrespecting the veterans or the military. That’s not his intention. He’s obviously continued the act to create the conversation for more social justice and things of that nature.”

The response was met with applause from the audience.

Instead of participating in the demonstration, Curry noted he has been searching for alternative ways to aid the Black community.

“I’ve been a part of certain conversations off the grid, finding different ways to make our community better, especially for African-Americans,” he shared. “But I support [Kaepernick] in his attempt to start the conversation or continue the conversation.”

Curry added the backlash Kaepernick received for his stance is expected.

“My approach is not going to please everyone and that’s what America is about,” he explained. “Some people agree with Colin, some don’t. But the common thread is that there is change that needs to be made.”

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