Bow Wow Tweets About Not Identifying with Black Ancestors Because of His Mixed Ancestry: ‘I Only Know What I See!’




Rapper-actor Bow Wow – also known as Shad Moss – took time yesterday to answer questions from fans on Twitter. In his discussion, he revealed his plans not to vote in this year’s presidential election. But the bulk of the conversation focused on his race.

A fan asked the former star of CBS’ “CSI: Cyber” if he was in favor of Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton or Republican nominee Donald Trump.

“I don’t really care,” Bow answered.

User MSF told the artist he should care because of the sacrifices his African-American ancestors made to give him the right to vote.

But Bow Wow responded by letting the fan know about his mixed heritage and denied his ancestors died to earn voting rights, saying, “I don’t know what my ancestors was doing. I only know what I see!”

The fan questioned Moss’ lack of knowledge about the Civil Rights Movement.

And Moss explained his entire family is not Black. The fan then asked if his mixed heritage meant he was unable to relate to the struggles faced by past generations that allowed him to achieve his success.

But the TV host stuck to his original statement about only being able to “believe what my own eyes see,” once again mentioning his background.

When asked what his mixed race has to do with him voting, Bow Wow explained his father’s side of the family was white and Native American.

A fan accuses the MC of believing “it’s bad to be full black.”

But he points out he would never disown his Blackness.

Moss later reveals grandmother is not Black and his grandfather was mixed.

He also said his cousins all have blonde hair and his nephew looks like white pop star Justin Bieber.

In case any fans had any doubts about his heritage, Moss posted his dad’s photo on Instagram for proof.

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