5 Ways to Honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day When Community Service Is Not An Option

For many celebrating and honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the annual national holiday to recognize him consists of attending a local parade, watching a special on television or even participating in acts of service for their community.

If getting in the fold by attending an event simply isn’t an option, here are a few other options to observe Dr. King’s legacy on Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 20.

Listen to Some of King’s Memorable Speeches

From “Unfulfilled Dreams,” “The Birth of a New Nation,” “Desegregation of the Future,” and of course his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, there are nuggets of wisdom that have aged well with time. His words have fueled the fire for change on a societal level and more importantly on a personal level, inspiring the ways in which we interact and impact the world for the better.

Dive Into a Book

Dr. King was more than a Southern civil rights leader and his words have lived on through the decades following his death. If reading is an enjoyed pastime, then diving into a book about the life and legacy of Dr. King may be the perfect fit. Books such as “In a Single Garment of Destiny: A Global Vision of Justice” or “The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.” are both a good starting point.

Gather the Family for Movie Night

You’ll find a wealth of movie and documentary options detailing the marches, acts of service, sermons and more that can be watched as a family to learn more about the Morehouse College graduate. Director Ava DuVernay’s “Selma” breathed new life into the story of the march from Selma to Montgomery.

Engage Friends, Family and Your Community in Discussion

Continuing Dr. King’s legacy relies on people sharing their perspectives on the world and finding ways to finish the work that started several decades ago. There’s always a new way to re-imagine and bring the civil rights leader’s words into fruition.

Spread His Messages on Social Media

Maybe you’ve come across an excerpt from a speech and the message resonated with you; well share it! Something as simple as posting a video of a speech or a photo with a quote is one way of honoring and observing MLK Day.

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