With Her New Sneakers, Book and Upcoming Movie, Mo’ne Davis Continues Growing her Philanthropic Empire

Mo'ne Davis sneaker collection There are many stars who only dream of launching their own line of sneakers, having a new book in stores and signing off on a new movie deal all while saving the world at the same time.

Mo’ne Davis is the 13-year-old baseball prodigy who can call such lofty dreams a reality.

It was less than a year ago that the world was first introduced to Davis, the superwoman of pitching that helped lead her South Philadelphia Little League team to victory—making her the first female pitcher to win a Little League World Series game.

Davis’ latest endeavors prove that her talents extend far beyond the baseball diamond.

Her new sneaker line is the result of a philanthropic partnership between Make A Difference Everyday (M4D3) and Because I Am a Girl.

The sneaker line alone is an impressive feat for the baseball prodigy who proved she has what it takes to play with the boys.

As we all know by now, however, Davis is far from the ordinary teen.

Rather than just bask in the glory of her beautifully designed, colorful sneaker collection, Davis is giving back to the community and helping girls in poverty.

The sneakers are all priced around $75 and 15 percent of the proceeds will be given to the Plan International’s Because I Am A Girl initiative.

This campaign “aims to support millions of girls to get the education, skills and support they need to transform their lives and the world around them,” the program’s website explains.

It also notes “education is one of the single best investments we can make to help end poverty.”

With her new sneaker line, Davis will be helping to fund these efforts and give young girls in poverty the opportunities that they may have never had otherwise.

“Designing shoes with M4D3 is exciting and I wanted them to support Because I am a Girl to help girls and give them a chance at a better future,” Davis said, according to CBS Philly.

She added that she never thought she would be a role model at such a young age, but said it’s a “pretty cool” opportunity to have.

Mo'ne Davis “I never thought at the age of 13 I’d be a role model, but having young girls look up to me is pretty cool,” she added. “If I can inspire them to reach their goals, that would be even cooler.”

Inspiring young women to reach their goals is precisely where her new book is likely to step up to the plate.

Davis’ memoir, penned by Hilary Beard, will help share the tale of the young girl who managed to make Little League history by defying all odds and remaining confident in her own abilities.

It’s a memoir that is likely to encourage other young women to dream big and realize that they have the potential to accomplish great things even at such a young age.

Proceeds from the book and a watch the young athlete created, according to ABC 6, will go to rebuilding the 17th and Fitzwater field where she was discovered.
“I’ve played on that field for a while and I was discovered on that field,” Davis said, according to ABC 6. “So if it wasn’t for that field, I don’t know what my life would be like right now.”

For those who have spent so much time in the digital age that they aren’t sure where to go purchase books anymore, reports revealed that Davis recently signed off on a movie deal that will also chronicle her journey to success.

It’s a lot of fame and attention for a young girl, but Davis isn’t letting any of it cause her to lose focus.

When ABC’s reporter asked the pitching prodigy what was next for her emerging empire, her answer was simple and pure: “baseball season.”

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