Rick Ross, the Ex-Drug Kingpin, Says CIA Behind Hip Hop’s Love Affair With Drugs

Rick Ross

Rick Ross

The CIA is behind rap’s obsession with drugs. Rick Ross says so. No, not the rapper, but the actual cocaine kingpin whose artist name and persona was hijacked by Rick Ross the rapper. He should know.

“They were the guys who were behind me when I was selling drugs,” Ross said of the CIA. “And now they’re behind hip hop and rock ‘n’ roll.”

The CIA has been documented making enormous profits from the international drug trade, including the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s.

Take the trade of opium for instance.  The drug that is used to make heroin was almost nonexistent in Afghanistan before the U.S. invaded it in 2001.  By 2006 the country’s opium trade had increased 3200% and was supplying 92% of the world’s supply according to www.globalresearch.ca.

“Under the interim government of Hamid Karzai, opium poppy cultivation once again began to skyrocket and opium markets were restored,” Kurt Nimmo wrote via infowars.com. “According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 per cent in 2002 in relation to its 2001 level.”

Karzai, has been suspected to be the source behind Afghanistan’s opium trade industry and coincidentally was on the CIA’s payroll for years, according to reports from the New York Times.

“Heroin is a multi-billion dollar business supported by powerful interests, which requires a steady and secure commodity flow,” Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky wrote via thirdworldtraveler.com. “One of the ‘hidden’ objectives of the war was precisely to restore the CIA-sponsored drug trade to its historical levels and exert direct control over the drug routes.”

Former cocaine dealer Ross has a message to the rapper who took his name. In a statement he said: “To William Roberts, aka “Rick Ross,” who’s using my name, I’m inviting you in, to come with me: Let’s fight this culture, let’s fight this penitentiary culture that hip-hop’s been spreading. Let’s make a difference. You and me need to come together and you need to tell them that you didn’t make your money selling drugs and making music is how you became famous. There’s nothing wrong with making music, just as there’s nothing wrong with being a correctional officer, if that’s what you did, but so many of our friends who look up to you and look up to me are out on the streets thinking that they can go out and sell drugs and parlay that into a record career. I don’t know if you know that they’re not going to make it, but I know.”


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