Mark Zuckerberg Calls Obama About NSA Spying


It’s no secret that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg thinks the National Security Agency has overstepped its bounds when it comes to the agency’s surveillance practices, but on Thursday the social network’s chief said he took his gripe directly to the nation’s commander-in-chief.

“I’ve called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future,” Zuckerberg said in an update to his Facebook page. “Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform.”

Zuckerberg’s status update comes a day after documents from whistle-blower Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA uses an automated system called Turbine to hack into millions of computers. The NSA has even posed as a fake Facebook server to infect a target’s computer, according to The Intercept.

Facebook, Zuckerberg wrote, focuses much of its energy on making its own network secure as well as working to identify flaws in others’ services because the company wants to “keep the Internet strong.” The government, however, is undoing all of this goodwill, Zuckerberg’s remarks suggested.

“I’ve been so confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the US government. When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we’re protecting you against criminals, not our own government,” Zuckerberg said.

Zuckerberg has repeatedly sounded off on the NSA since the organization’s covert data collection and surveillance practices were revealed by Snowden last summer.



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