New York Jets’ Owner: Mark Sanchez Won’t be cut From Team

New York Jets owner Woody Johnson says Mark Sanchez will not be released from the team anytime soon, according to ESPNNewYork.

“Mark will be on the team; I don’t think there’s any question about that,” said Johnson. “I wished he hadn’t gotten hurt, but you’ve got to protect yourself, too.”

Sanchez is guaranteed to make $8.25 million salary for this season, so releasing him would come with a heavy price tag.

There have been several reports out of the New York press that suggest that Sanchez was nervous about being dismissed from organization, but it doesn’t appear quite that way.

“We’re not looking at that,” Jets’ general manager John Idzik said. “We’re looking at Mark continuing to rehab. We said it’s day-to-day. It’s very unpredictable. … Hopefully, we’ll get him back here soon.”

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