Robert Griffin lll Tweets He’s Cleared to Play Football

 Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was cleared Thursday by his surgeon to play when the regular season opens on Sept. 9. However, coach Mike Shanahan was cautious when telling reporters the good news.

”There’s a couple of concerns that he has,” Shanahan said to reporters. ”I’ll talk to Robert over the weekend, and I’ll let you guys know on Monday.”

Griffin wasn’t available for questioning on the matter, but the team is expecting him to start against the Philadelphia Eagles.

“That’s just the type of player Robert is, just his will and determination to be back on that field,” said teammate Alfred Morris. “I’m not surprised, and I’m looking forward to him coming out and having a good game.”

The 2012 Offensive Rookie of The Year participated in the coin toss, but watched the preseason game 30-12 victory over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from the sideline. At the conclusion of the game Griffin tweeted, “Operation Patience complete: Cleared”




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