Going Forward: Robin Roberts is No Longer Frightened of her Future

What a difference a year makes.

As the first anniversary of her bone marrow transplant approaches on Sept. 20, Robin Roberts is thisclose to being her old self.

Referring to her turbulent yet ultimately triumphant recovery process, the “Good Morning America” anchor, 52, told PEOPLE, “I’m really at peace now. I’m not as frightened. I feel 90 percent of myself again, and that’s a great feeling.”

Appearing healthy and radiant at the 13th Annual USTA Serves Opening Night Gala, which kicked off the U.S. Open in New York on Monday, Roberts spoke to reporters about another long awaited milestone – her full-time return to GMA.

“The day after Labor Day I’ll be back to a five-day a week schedule,” she said. “I’m looking forward to it. I want to get back to my full life.”

Getting back into the swing of things also included a recent trip with a close group of friends to Maui, where the athletic anchor played tennis for the first time since being diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, for which she received her transplant. Roberts’ sister Sally Ann was the donor.

“To be able to feel stronger and a little more active, it’s great to feel that way again,” she said.

Calling her Hawaii vacation “a time of renewal and reflection,” Roberts relayed why it was such a meaningful trip.

“In the hospital I had a picture of the beach in Maui and that was my motivation, so to have all my friends who loved me through this past year there was all I needed.”

Source: People.com

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