Cop Disciplined For Escorting LeBron James to Miami Concert


Last week, a Miami-Dade police officer gave LeBron James an unauthorized police escort to a Jay Z and Justin Timberlake concert in Miami. After James showed his appreciation by posting the good deed on Instagram, the police department launched an internal investigation to find the officer who gave James the helping hand.

The police say the action violated departmental policy and pledged to discipline the officer who provided the escort.

Thursday the Miami-Dade Police Department announced the punishment for the unidentified cop.

 Associated Press reports:

“In a statement released Thursday, the department says it has chosen to give the officer ‘informal counseling’ after investigating the escort involving the athlete. The statement says no further action will be taken. It does not identify the officer.

“The department said Monday that officers violated policy by providing the police escort. It wasn’t scheduled in advance and all safety precautions appeared to have been taken.

“The public became aware of the unauthorized escort when James posted a video on his Instagram account saying ‘light police escort on the wrong side of the street, headed to the big homie concert, JT. Holla.'”

The Miami-Dade Police Department initially denied any involvement before investigating the incident.

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