Report: Alex Rodriguez Leaked Names of Fellow Players in Doping Scandal

New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez’s and his assosicates reportedly leaked to the media the names of his fellow players, Francisco Cervelli and Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun, linking them to the Biogenesis scandal.

According to a report by “60 Minutes,” members of Rodriguez’s team obtained information that contained Braun and Cervelli’s names and sent them to Yahoo! Sports.

Yahoo! Sports was the first media outlet to report Braun and Cervelli’s involvement with Biogenesis.

Rodriguez’s attorney, David Cornwell, released a statement  about the allegations on Friday, denying that A-Rod has anything to do with the claims.

“These allegations are untrue and are another attempt to harm Alex, this time by driving a wedge between him and other players in the league,” Cornwell said. “While Alex focuses on baseball and repeatedly states that he is going to respect the appeal process, the drumbeat of false allegations continues. These improper and viciously false leaks will not alter the fact that MLB exceeded its authority under the JDA [Joint Drug Agreement] and the 211 game [suspension] will not stand.”

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