Donovan McNabb Shows Pettiness in Calling RGIII ‘Brainwashed’

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Everyone gets it: Mike Shanahan dogged Donvan McNabb during his brief stint with the Washington Redskins, and the former quarterback has not let go of the embarrassment.

But for someone who has tried to handle himself with upstanding decorum, it’s pretty petty that McNabb would allege that Redskins star quarterback Robert Griffin III is “brainwashed” because he prefers to not speak with a bitter man who failed miserably in D.C.

McNabb said on NBC Sports Radio: “I honestly think that over there in Washington, he’s getting brainwashed. He’s getting input from whoever it may be on, ‘There’s no reason to talk to him, it didn’t work out here.’ ”

It does not require brainwashing for Griffin to not see the need to confer with McNabb, a former black quarterback who, ironically and infamously, called it “black-on-black crime” when Terrell Owens made disparaging remarks  about him not too many years back.

Griffin is nothing if not politically correct. He said to GQ magazine:  “I don’t think Donovan is an idiot by any means. But right now, it’s probably best that we don’t talk.”

RGIII does not have to explain what that means, but it is obvious. McNabb flamed out with the Redskins in 2010 and had a horrible relationship with Shanahan, the coach who pulled him from the game in the final minutes for the completely ordinary Rex Grossman.

Shanahan made matters worse with his preposterous cited reason: That McNabb was not physically fit to run the two-minute drill. No one blames McNabb for holding animus against the disingenuous Shanahan. But for the former Philadelphia Eagle to think he should get into the ear of the team’s franchise quarterback now, well, that’s equally preposterous.

Based on the results of last year–NFL rookie of the year, Redskins won the NFC East–the kid did just fine without McNabb filling his head with whatever he wants to fill his head with. Griffin, going into his second season, has to maintain a working relationship with Shanahan. McNabb expressing his disdain for the man would do nothing to help Griffin.

“I hope the best for the young man, but the direction he’s going in is really a direction he does not want to do,” McNabb said. “He does not want to go there with me, especially when I got the last word. I’m just trying to help him.

“Clearly the young generation, they think they have all the answers.”

The answer certainly is not talking to a sourpuss retired quarterback who has an inflated opinion of what his advice would merit. Where is there a quarterback who credits talking to McNabb with elevating his play or existence in the NFL?

McNabb added: “He’s going through a little turmoil right now, trying to make it out on the field, and it’s unfortunate. But that’s where we’re at right now as far as these young quarterbacks who think they have all the answers. Until things start to fall apart and come down trembling on you, then you want some help. But it’s a shame.”

The shame is that McNabb seems to believe his word is golden. The shame is that McNabb comes off as jealous. The shame is that McNabb offered pettiness when support would have been more prudent.

Shame on you, McNabb.

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