Limbaugh Sees ‘Master-Servant Relationship’ Between Obama And Christie

Much ado was made about New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie embracing President Obama literally and figuratively after Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast. On Tuesday, the two were reunited as Obama visited the Jersey shore and reaffirmed his commitment to the recovery effort. What the media has called “bipartisanship,” Rush Limbaugh had a slightly different descriptor for.

Noting that many people in the region “still haven’t been helped,” Limbaugh chimed in on Christie’s “stroll” down the shore alongside the president. The point though, he clarified, is that they really want to help — “a case of the good intentions overwhelming any of the results.”

Shifting gears slightly, Limbaugh turned to the bipartisanship between the two, which the media has been “salivating” over. He saw things differently, coming to a less flattering conclusion.

“Obama has money, Gov. Christie wants the money,” Limbaugh corrected. “Gov. Christie needs the money so the people will be helped, so Christie praises Obama. It’s a master-servant relationship. Exactly the kind of bipartisanship that the drive-by media want.”

“Obama’s got the money, Christie needs the money,” he repeated. “Obama wants to walk the beach, that’s what we’re going to do; Obama wants a photo-op that’s what we’re gonna do…

Source: Mediaite

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