Kanye West Ends Day of House Hunting With Serious Injury… To His Pride

Kanye West will be sporting a bump on his head to go along with Kim Kardashian’s baby bump after the rapper walked into a street sign on Friday afternoon after a day of house hunting.

Mr. West has never been a fan of the paparazzi so having the cameras there to catch a rather embarrassing moment surely didn’t help the rapper’s ego.

Kanye and Kim were headed inside 9021 Pho, a popular Vietnamese restaurant out in Beverly Hills, when West seemed to focused on keeping his head down to block the cameras that he walked right into a large “Caution” sign.

The quick encounter with the sign left the “Mercy” rapper with a small abrasion on his head but no major injuries were sustained except for the huge blow to his ego.

When the paparazzi continued to snap pictures of West colliding with the sign he became irate and charged at one of the camera men saying, “Don’t take another f***ing photo man.”

Shortly after he added, “All you motherf***ers stop it.”

While Kimmy was focused on trying to calm her man down the angry rap star continued to knock one of the cameras out of the photographer’s hand.

Honestly, the moment kind of makes you realize how much stronger the reality star is than Kanye when it comes to taking on the media.

As much as we all slam Kimmy for crazy things and make her the butt of every joke (pun intended) the reality star manages to keep her cool.

While she may love the constant camera attention we know she certainly doesn’t enjoy being on the worst dressed list all the time, being compared to grandma’s old couch in her MET Gala 2013 gown, and even being the muse for Ray J’s new corny music video… but she takes it all in stride.

If anyone should be snatching cameras and tossing them to ground like a posh Godzilla it should be Kim… not Kanye.

Anyway, while the couple hasn’t closed the deal on a home quite yet their day of house hunting surely revealed some great options.

One modern home that the couple looked at had plenty of room for growth considering Kimye will be welcoming their first baby this summer.

Random Thought: Anybody else wonder how sweaty Kanye has to be at the end of the day when he keeps making his way around Beverly Hills in full leather outfits?

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