Whether through death or divorce, losing a loved one can be such a devastating blow, it’s hard to envision what life will look like without them. It may be even harder to picture yourself dating again.
But it seems that when it comes to moving on from the end of a relationship, men do it much faster than women.
A survey of 1,500 adults conducted by LoveAgain.com, an online dating site for older daters, found that while a large number of women (40 percent) said it took them more than a year to get back into the dating game, many men (39 percent) said it took them between one to three months to start dating again.
“People grieve in their own way,” said relationship expert Pepper Schwartz. “[But] you can grieve so long it becomes a way of life and it can undermine your health. At some point you have to fight it and embrace life.”
Schwartz answered more questions here on this finding. Do you think men move on faster than women? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.
Q:Why is it that men seem to move on from the end of their relationships faster than women do?
A: I think men don’t do well with being alone like women do. Women have rich emotional networks and girlfriends, whereas [a man’s] emotional network was their wife. [She] was the emotional support, [she] was [their] whole social network. The pressure of dealing with your emotions and figuring them out is difficult and [men feel they] need another woman to [help them with that.]