After a long, sorely-felt absence, Arrested Development is returning to our screens and our hearts. And now there’s a solid release date for the fourth season of the cult comedy show. All episodes will be released 12:01 AM PST on Sunday, May 26th. Which means that we’ll be able to spend Memorial Day honoring the sacrifices of our soldiers by vegging out on the couch watching foolish rich people get up to antics.
Not only that, but we now know that there will be an extra episode added to the season, bringing the total up to 15. Each episode is centered around a different member of the Bluth family, Lost-style, with various characters popping up in each other’s storylines.
That, more than anything else, gives me pause. A lot of the greatness of the show came from the cast interactions. But we’ll see how they handle it. There’s not a terribly good track record when it comes to cancelled series returning from the grave. The best example is probably Futurama, and that’s only because of a few pretty great episodes scattered amongst the mostly mediocre stuff. Can Arrested Development break this curse? We’ll find out soon enough.