Kanye Argues for Higher Ranking on MTV’s Hottest MCs List

What’s it take for Kanye West to par­tic­i­pate in an inter­view these days? Appar­ent­ly, a snub­bing on MTV’s annu­al list of the “Hottest MCs in the Game.”

For those who haven’t paid atten­tion to this year’s list, Kanye placed at No. 7 behind Big Sean and Drake (Nos. 1 through 5 will be revealed in the com­ing days.)

Tuesday, West called in to Hot 97′s DJ Enuff to talk about the list. The brief con­ver­sa­tion began with West admit­ting that “Lil Wayne is the No. 1 rap­per in the world.  Him and Jay and Em are the great­est rap­pers of all time,” West said.

How­ev­er, when it came to his spot on the list, he said, “I feel like in order for them to put me at No. 7, they had to bring up things they didn’t like — like the Cruel Sum­mer album.” He then sug­gest­ed that his crit­ics pre­fer the back­pack and polo-era Kanye over his cur­rent career choices. “They don’t like Givenchy Kanye. They don’t like Kanye in a kilt. They don’t like Kanye in a relationship.”

West also boast­ed about the bar in “Cold” in which he raps about Kim Kar­dashi­an’s ex-husband, Kris Humphries. “I said, ‘Lucky I ain’t have Jay drop him from the team’ — ain’t no bar of the entire past 12 months hot­ter than that one bar.”

Read more: ConsequenceofSound

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