Ga. Bill Proposed to Protect Confederate ‘Heroes’ Monuments

A new bill proposed in the Georgia Legislature would prohibit local governments from hiding or removing statues of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee or other Confederate army heroes indefinitely.

The measure, House bill 91, is designed to safeguard statues, plaques and other markers recognizing Revolutionary War or Confederate “heroes” from modern objections.

The bill even mentions the Civil War Confederate Army monument in Stone Mountain specifically.

According to the Georgia’s Legislature’s website, it is “A bill…relating to the description of the state flag, defacing public monuments, and obstruction of Stone Mountain, so as to provide for additional protections for government statues, monuments, plaques, banners, and other commemorative symbols; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.”

The Stone Mountain carving depicts three figures of the Confederate States of America: Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis.

Read more: AtlantaDailyWorld

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