Sarah Palin Downplays President Obama's Person of the Year Honor

Sarah Palin has some lingering issues with President Obama. If you thought being named Time magazine Person of the year was a big deal, Sarah Palin has something else for you.

The former Alaskan governor poked fun at herself to downplay the imp0rtance of anyone, namely President Barack Obama receiving the coveted distinction. During a sit down with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren’s On the Record, Palin was asked about Obama receiving the honor.

Van Susteren, “Time magazine announcing its Person of the Year. Once again, it’s President Obama. Now, Time magazine says it is for the time (ph) the president’s success in, quote, “forging a new majority to create a more perfect union.”

Palin: “Oh, the path towards a more perfect union is our Constitution. And I think that we have seen examples of our president not necessarily following the Constitution, in fact, wanting to change the Constitution because he sees it as a charter of negatives.

And he’s made statements in the past about his view of our Constitution, and that’s — you know, following it is a blueprint towards a more perfect union.

But Time magazine, you know, I think there’s some irrelevancy there, to tell you the truth. I mean, consider their list of the most influential people in the country and in the world, some who have made that list — yours truly! That ought to tell you something right there regarding the credence that we should give Time magazine and their list of people.”

Something tells us Donald Trump and Sarah Palin could talk about Obama all day.

For the second time, President Barack Obama has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. The first time the president earned the honor was in 2008, when he became the nation’s first black president, and now having won re-election four years later, Obama stands as a symbol for the ongoing cultural shift in America. Time’s managing editor Richard Stengel revealed the magazine’s choice for 2012 Person of the Year on NBC’s “Today” show.

“There has been much talk of the coalition of the ascendant — young people, minorities, Hispanics, college-educated women — and in winning re-election, Obama showed that these fast-growing groups are not only the future but also the present.” Stengel wrote on Time’s website. “For finding and forging a new majority, for turning weakness into opportunity and for seeking, amid great adversity, to create a more perfect union, Barack Obama is TIME’s 2012 Person of the Year.”

It’s unlikely Pres. Obama will respond to Sarah Palin’s remarks – but what do you make of it?




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