Controversial Korean Singer Psy attends 'Christmas in Washington'

What could be more fabulous than Michele Obama, Diana Ross and Korean singer/rapper Psy together for this year’s Christmas in Washington concert this past Sunday? While not a household name in the United States, Psy is a well-known pop star in Korea. Despite the controversy over his 2004 lyrics attacking the US Troops and accusing them of torturing Iraqi captive, Psy was treated to a warm handshake by President Obama. Ms. Ross, also present in grand fashion, she wowed guests with an array of festive songs; along with a fashion show of course. Ms. Ross stunned the audience with her gowns; the first one a royal blue sequin dress and a second flowing black and white gown.

Recently, the FLOTUS unveiled the White House Christmas decorations while welcoming and honoring military families. The ‘Joy to All’ themed event was no doubt a precursor to the ‘Christmas in Washington’ concert and charity event the first family hosted on Sunday. Ever the first-lady of fashion, Michelle Obama’s wardrobe did not disappoint. Dressed in a sophisticated beige cap-sleeved dress with a colorful jeweled belt and metallic kitten heels, Mrs. Obama celebrated in style. The first daughters, Sasha and Malia, looked great in a shimmery silver and aquamarine dresses, accented with classic cardigans and flats.

Even with the ladies dressed to the nines, it was Psy who stole the show. Adorned in red sequins, the star performed his song “Gangnam Style.” While the show went on yesterday, the controversy over whether he should have been invited to ‘Christmas in Washington’ rages on today. Critics have lit into the President over his choice to allow the singer with anti-American Troops lyrics to perform at the charity event. With lyrics like, “Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers,” he said. “Kill them all slowly and painfully,” it is easy to see why protesters were working to have Psy removed as a performer. Although his lyrics were recorded in 2004, just two years ago the performer smashed a plastic model of a U.S. tank after two Korean schoolgirls were mowed down by a U.S.-operated armored vehicle.

For his part, Psy remained professional, shaking President Obama’s hand after his performance.

Perhaps in an effort to address Psy’s lyrics indirectly the commander-in-chief addressed the audience, saying, “Yes, tonight is about Conan and Diana Ross and Santa and all the other talented folks on this stage,” he said. “But it’s also about the Americans who are spending this holiday in a hospital bed, or a shelter, or protecting our freedom on a battlefield far from home. Let’s keep them in our prayers, and follow Christ’s calling to love one another as He has loved all of us.”


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