Macy’s Wont Dump Trump in Midst of Cher, Donald Twitter War

The ‘Dump Trump’ online petition urging Macy’s to fire Donald Trump has been shot down as Macy’s CEO revealed that the company will continue business with Donald, even as he feuds with Cher over Twitter.

The one lesson that the real estate mogul could really teach a lot of people is that it’s important to have friends in the right places. Despite the “Dump Trump” petition reaching well over 500,000 signatures Macy’s has decided to stand by Donald Trump and to continue selling his brand.

According to the company’s CEO, Donald’s political views have nothing to do with their decision to do business with the real estate mogul.

“Please understand and appreciate that Macy’s marketing and merchandising offerings are not representative of any political position,” Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren wrote to the man who first started the Dump Trump petition. “Our is a free society compromised [sic] of a wide range of viewpoints.”

The Dump Trump petition started on the grounds that the Trump displaying “unpleasant, nasty and despicable” behavior before, during, and following the election.

Prior to the election Trump was offering several million dollars to any charity of the President’s choice if he handed over his passport and college transcripts. After the election, Donald went on Twitter to call for a revolution against President Barack Obama and claimed that America was no longer a Democracy.

“This election is a total sham and a travesty,” he tweeted. “We are not a democracy!”

Angelo Carusone, the creator of the petition urging Macy’s to stop selling Donald’s shirts, cufflinks, and ties, responded to Macy’s CEO proving he wasn’t ready to back down just yet.

“Macy’s boasts about its social responsibility policy, which reads ‘There is no shortage of talk about the obligation of public companies to be socially responsible to the people and communities where they do business,’” Carusone replied back Lundgren. “Indeed Macy’s. Actions speak louder than words. So, act and dump Trump.”

It seems like the petition creator may be well on his way to gaining his own army of friends with big industry names as Cher took to Twitter to support the move to push Macy’s to get rid of Donald.

“I’LL NEVER GO TO MACY’S AGAIN,” the 66-year-old posted on her Twitter account. “I didn’t know they sold Donald Trump’s line! If they don’t care that they sell products from a LOUDMOUTH.”

The “Welcome to the Burlesque” songstress even took a shot at the Trump’s toupee – or “rug” as she called it on Twitter – but needless to say it wasn’t hard for The Apprentice host to snap back at the singer.

“Cher – I don’t wear a rug – it’s mine. And I promise not to talk about your massive plastic surgeries that didn’t work,” the New York native tweeted soon after.

After realizing a Twitter war with the real estate tycoon wasn’t the best move for her, Cher quickly apologized for her statement, but still made a point not to make friends with the wealthy businessman.

“[To] set the record straight … I took a cheap shot at Trumps hair … I WAS WRONG,” the pop star admitted.

Soon after she “set the record straight,” however she then tweeted “I hope Macy’s dumps him!”

The “Believe” singer’s wish isn’t likely to come true, especially considering how much money the Trump makes for Macy’s every year and how frequently he appears in many of the department store’s commercials.

Whether the mega chain decides to “Dump Trump” or not the openly anti-Obama business man has certainly received quite a lot of free publicity for his line at Macy’s.

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