Denzel Washington Covers The Hollywood Reporter, His New Movie ‘Flight’

Denzel Washington will be featured on the cover of the November issue of The Hollywood Reporter, which is no surprised after his incredible performance in his new movie “Flight.”

Denzel has always been known as one of Hollywood’s most talented and attractive actors to ever hit the big screen and this month he’ll be taking over the cover of The Hollywood Reporter as he reveals to the magazine how he has remained relevant in the industry for so long.

The acting business has actors and actresses come and go in a matter of weeks, but Mr. Washington has remained a prevalent face in Hollywood for over 30 years and he credits this to the fact that he refused to get caught up in “Hollywood vices.”

Back in 1986 the Academy Award winning actor admitted that he semi-gave up drinking and anything else that would distract him from his work.

Apparently, that one decision has performed wonders as Denzel is constantly the go to guy for any film in need of a great male lead.

He also admitted that reading his Bible has a lot to do with keeping his mind in the right place and staying focused on spirituality. Washington reads his Bible daily and is currently reading the Psalms.

One thing that people didn’t expect to work out so well was the fact that the 57-year-old actor often let his mom call all the shots when it came to his gigs, but his mom actually made one of the best deals for his career.

Celebrities have been known to watch their careers crumble after letting their mothers get their hands on things, but in this case the Déjà vu actor’s mom is a pro.

When he wanted to make his first debut as a director for Antwone Fisher, the deal with Lennis didn’t seem like it would go through, but that when momma stepped in.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actor turned film producer’s mom came in and closed the deal.

Without a doubt, the Remember the Titans actor has a gift and his acting performance might be the only thing that impresses movie goers who check out his new movie “Flight.”

The movie follows the life of a drug and alcohol abusing pilot who has to fly a plane full of passengers in to Atlanta. During the flight through a raging thunderstorm something goes awry but Denzel’s character, Whip Whitaker, is able to use his amazing pilot skills to save most of the passengers on board.

Needless to say, saving most passengers might not be enough when investigations start taking place that reveal that perhaps their flight’s pilot was under the influence.

According to a movie review by LA Times, the story of the movie was less than impressive, but their leading man was definitely a sight to see.

“Unfortunately, the story that surrounds Whitaker is not as subtle or involved as his performance,” the LA Times wrote. “’Flight’ gives the impression that it is going to concern itself with the nature of heroism, with the difficulty of reconciling heroic actions with fallible human qualities, but instead it heads in a more familiar and formulaic direction…”

By casting one of Hollywood’s greatest actors, the movie may have been saved from a completely unimpressive review.

“Fortunately, when all else fails, ‘Flight’ turns to Washington,” the film review continued. “His ability to convey the agony of a soul in torment never lets us down, even if the film that surrounds him never rises to his heights.”


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