Giants QB Eli Manning Rode Out Storm in Hoboken Apt. with Family

Even football superstars get affected by superstorms, as Giants MVP quarterback Eli Manning had to hunker down in his Hoboken condominium with his wife and young daughter and hope that Sandy didn’t come crashing through the windows.

Manning, who grew up in New Orleans and saw his share of hurricanes, said he was surprised by how quickly the Hudson River rushed into Hoboken.

“I saw water coming over the Hudson River into the streets. Very quickly a car is completely covered with water, so it can be scary,” Manning said after returning from Dallas, where the Giants had a narrow win. “The wind was blowing, the windows were shaking. You hope everything holds up, the windows don’t crack.”

Manning said the storm came so quickly that he didn’t have time to “get out of Dodge.”

There was a picture of Manning spreading across the Internet, standing in the lobby of his building, watching water rush into the building.

Manning said the windows held up and that the water now was “back where it should be.” His home and family were all fine when the storm settled.

After his building lost power, Manning moved to a hotel along with most of the rest of the team.
“When you have a young child, it’s kind of different. You have to make sure she’s well-kept,” Manning said of his toddler. “We have gotten out of Hoboken and are at a hotel where we have power and some other things.”
Manning wisely planned ahead  prepare for Sunday’s game against the Steelers.
“I had a feeling the storms would be bad, so I came in Monday morning and got my film on my computer,” Manning said.  “I had time [Tuesday] to watch a bunch and I feel caught up. I feel like I am right where I need to be, getting started, getting game-planned and getting back out to practice.”
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