Barbara Walters, Stephen Colbert Take Aim At Donald Trump

Barbara Walters and Stephen Colbert fire back at Donald Trump after he revealed that the big election “game changer” announcement he had hyped up was just another shot at whether or not the President was born in the United States.

Trump came out to offer $5 million to charity if President Obama’s college transcripts, college applications, and passport applications were all handed over.

According to the 66-year-old business man these documents would provide clear evidence that Mr. Obama is not a natural born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president.

On Thursday morning, Trump’s good friend Barbara Walters finally had enough of the silly stabs at the President’s citizenship and right to be president and made a public plea for Donald to cut it out.

“Donald, you’re making a fool of yourself,” Walters snapped while looking directly into the camera on “The View.” “…Donald you’re not hurting Obama, you’re hurting Donald, and that hurts me because you’re a decent man.”

In the final moments of her plea she finally begged her good friend to “stop it! Get off it, Donald!”

The reveal of the announcement was quite anti-climactic considering the fact that for days on end before revealing what the announcement would be, the TV personality swore that this would be the thing that turns the tables on Election Day.

“The View” co-host was clearly upset with her friend, but compared to Stephen Colbert’s response to the announcement… she might as well have handed “The Apprentice” host a bouquet of roses.

In an effort to match the ridiculousness of Trump’s announcement, Colbert offered his own money for charity if the wealthy real-estate developer would just “gargle [his] balls.”

There has been much public outcry about the announcement, but nobody made their response quite as x-rated as the late night talk show host.

“Nation I am so moved by this generous offer, that I have an offer of my own, right over here,” Colbert announce during his show. “Mr. Trump, I will write you a check for $1 million dollars from Colbert Super PAC – you know I’ve got it – to the charity of your choice.”

The late night comedian went on to list several charities that he would be more than willing to donate the large sum of money to, but then he explained what Donald would have to do for the money.

“One million actual dollars,” he continued. “if you will let me dip my balls into your mouth. One Million.”

Of course, he didn’t stop there. The Trump Organization chairman and president also admitted that the documents needed to be submitted his satisfaction when making his announcement about the President, so “The Colbert Report” host also had to set his own satisfaction requirements.

“But… this dipping… – and I hope you’re listening very carefully Mr. Trump – this dipping has to be to my and more importantly, my balls’ satisfaction,” the 48-year-old said with a serious expression on his face while his audience laughed. “…Nothing would make me happier than to write this check. And nothing would make America happier than to have something going into your mouth instead of coming out of it.”

Needless to say, Trump won’t be walking away with that $1 million check for charity, but perhaps maybe now he will give up the fight to prove that President Obama isn’t eligible to be president – especially after he has already served one full term.

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