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Keeping Healthy is Easier When You Keep Your Refrigerator Healthy

In your face: Having healthy foods readily available makes eating well more convenient. Cut up fruits and veggies, wash and prep salads in advance, and stock up on healthy dips (like nut butters or hummus). Having these options easy to dive into will help when you’re feeling ravenous.

Keep it clean: You’ll be more apt to opt for a healthy home-cooked meal rather than greasy takeout if you know what you have in your fridge. Throw out anything spoiled or rotten and make sure you refrain from jam-packing the fridge so you have a visual idea of what needs to be used up in a meal.

Drink up: Keep the soda and sugary juices in small — or no — quantities. Having an ample supply of cold, fresh water or antioxidant-rich iced green tea ensures you opt for drinks that help, not hinder, your healthy eating initiative. If your water needs jazzing up, keep a pitcher of flavored water to encourage you to ditch the soda.

Source: Fit Sugar

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