Vanessa Minnillo Lachey Shares Blurry First Photo of Baby Boy

Vanessa Minnillo Lachey shares first baby picture of Camden Vanessa Minnillo Lachey posted a blurry black and white photo of husband Nick Lachey and new baby boy Camden on the couch via Twitter earlier this week but may be waiting for the right time to show off a real baby pic.

The blurry photo leaves the new baby out of focus and makes it impossible to make out any of the tyke’s features.

From what can be seen however, is an adorable photo of baby Camden playing in his father’s lap.

“When I look over and see my husband and my son, my heart melts,” the Wipeout hostess posted along with the photo. “I am so in love with these two! Count Your Blessings.”

Ever since the 31-year-old mommy gave birth, she has been kicking her feet up and staying low, only connecting with the public via her many Twitter updates.

“Sitting in my glider with Camden watching Uncle Drew Lachey on Dancing With the Stars,” the gorgeous actress tweeted. “We can’t wait to see him shake it!”

The new father even had to admit that his son is already having quite an impact on him.

“Officially in cheesy dad mode,” the 38-year-old tweeted. “Camden is easily the most amazing thing that has happened in my life. Vanessa Lachey and I are truly blessed!”

The couple went on to say that having Camden has even “redefined love” for them, but Vanessa still hasn’t shared a clear photo of their life changing tyke.

First Nick and Vanessa Lachey Baby Photo of Camden With the first baby photo not really showing much of the baby at all, you can’t help but wonder if this mommy is waiting for a magazine deal before she shows off her precious son.

If Camden’s mommy has been “Keeping up with the Kardashians,” however, she might realize that a magazine deal for the baby photos isn’t likely to happen.

Kourtney’s latest bundle of joy is simply adorable, and is the newest addition to the Kardashian clan besides Kim’s kitten Mercy.

Despite her celebrity roots, nobody is fighting over baby Penelope’s first baby pics.

Being brutally honest, one magazine editor simply explained that “no one is waiting to see what Penelope looks like.”

The Huffington Post editor went on to explain why there isn’t much buzz around the adorable little girl.

“It’s been a long time since paying to secure exclusive images of a celebrity baby guaranteed huge sales,” the editor explained. “Kourtney’s second child isn’t such a big deal. If it were Kim’s baby, it might be different, but with the exception of hardcore fans no one is waiting to see what Penelope looks like.”

Publications have recently learned their lesson about being so eager to buy baby photos after one magazine forked over $800,000 for Nick Lachey’s ex Jessica Simpson’s baby photo only to have the magazine undersell expectations.

Nick Lachey's Ex Baby Photos Undersell in News StandsPerhaps Lachey’s new wife is hoping to out bid her husband’s ex for photos of her own little bundle of joy.

Of course, there is still the age old question of is it even right for celebs to be bargaining, trading, and selling photos of their babies.

A recent poll hosted by revealed that 60% of the 420 voters believe it’s not right for the rich and famous to be shopping their baby photos around.

The issue at hand is that by putting their child’s photos in the mainstream media world at such a young age, the famous parents are exposing their child to even more paparazzi attention.

At the same time, the opposing side would argue that the famous toddlers are going to be hounded by cameras wherever they go regardless of if their photos were featured in a four page magazine spread or not.

Perhaps the only real problem is the ethics behind the matter. One of the voters who believed it wasn’t okay for celebs to sell their baby photos said so because it just didn’t seem morally right.

Either way, it will be up to the parents to decide if their child will become paparazzi fresh meat before they even learn how to walk.


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