Justin Timberlake's Trés Chic Myspace Reboot Unleashed Via Twitter

Justin Timberlake publicized the new Myspace promo vid at the midnight hour, generating some early morning buzz today on twitter. My current music crush JJAMZ plays in the background as the revamped version is detailed: A trés chic visual plus J.T star-power equals instant invite requests by video’s end. I usually consider myself to be on the skeptical side, but to quote another possible lunatic, “Who’s comin’ with me!?” When Timberlake became an investor in 2011 almost no one cared, and that’s about to change stat.

There’s no denying that Myspace reigned supreme in the music arena. Many of us were ashamed to admit this, but secretly the masses were logging into old Myspace accounts to listen to beloved playlists or connect with their music fans. Not to mention the mourning periods up-and-coming musicians suffered after it became completely taboo to login. Success on Myspace did not necessarily translate to success on Facebook, especially considering it began as an exclusive social networking site for college students.

One could argue that Facebook jumped shark in 2006 by allowing virtually anyone to open an account. In essence, it became the new Myspace. Now here we are in 2012 awaiting… the new Facebook? Myspace 2.0 explores souped up “playlist” options, a cool new minimalist interface, and really speaks to the growing creative communities in My-Blog-Instagrammed fashion.

Globally connecting through music was always one of Myspace’s strong suits, but since it’s inception the online communities have exploded. Tim Vanderhook, one of the site’s owners, describes the new Myspace as “a social network for the creative community to connect to their fans.” I think we all have been feeling the winds of change in the air, and the limitations of putting all your eggs in one Facebook basket. This is definitely a risky undertaking for J.T. but if he can bring sexy back, maybe he can bring Myspace back too?

Watch Justin Timberlake’s new Myspace promo video below…


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