50 Cent To Investigate Chris Lighty’s Death

Chris Lighty’s untimely death shocked the hip-hop community he so heavily influenced. Lighty’s mother is not satisfied with the suicide ruling and is asking that hip hop heavyweight Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson issue a separate investigation to uncover some answers. 50 Cent obliged and is bringing in a team of lawyers and doctors to further investigate the details of the will and cause of death. There is a slight suspicion based on the ambiguity of the estate turnover to Lighty’s wife. Clearly Lighty’s mother has her own suspicions…

Ruled a suicide by police after allegedly arguing with his wife, Lighty died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  Within Lighty’s will, $1.6 million was allotted for his children in a trust fund and the remaining assets were given to his wife.  Attorney Authur Aidala believes that the will details on page 3, “if survived by my wife, I give my entire residuary estate, real and personal to her,” seem extremely generous and highly suspicious. Friends and family of Lighty have also asked that Dr. Michael Baden, former New York City chief medical examiner to perform an additional autopsy post the suicide ruling.

Influential and groundbreaking as a manager and businessman, Lighty managed the careers of stars including 50 Cent, Diddy, Missy Elliot and many more. Lighty was pivotal in 50’s landmark $150 million dollar Vitamin Water deal in 2007. The initial suicide ruling shed a light on the closeted issue of mental health concerns within the Black and hip-hop communities.

When choosing to move forward with an additional investigation, the unspoken allegation is that there are missing truths to the story. Was Lighty’s death pre-meditated or more deeply orchestrated than the random suicide? Is Lighty’s mother grief turning into paranoia or does she deserve further information for proper closure?



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