How to Better Your Day in 5 Minutes

Five minutes. It’s only a little bit of time. But it’s long enough for you to do one thing that could make your whole day better.

That’s a great return on your time investment!

So take five minutes and try one of these10 simple ways to lower stress, boost your mood, and get more energy. It might give you that extra spark you need to meet the challenges of the day.

1. Make your bed . This isn’t about being a clean freak. It’s a small ritual that can help create a calm environment for you in your bedroom — and a soothing bedroom is part of “sleep hygiene” — little habits that can help you sleep better. Author Gretchen Rubin recommends making your bed as a daily habit in her book, The Happiness Project . Do it first thing in the morning, and you’ve got one less thing to worry about for the rest of the day.

2. Pack a snack. Before you head out the door in the morning, prep a healthy snack to take with you. Ideas include fruit, unsalted nuts, and low-fat cheese or yogurt.  When you get hungry later in the afternoon, you’ll be ready!

3. Clear your desk. From stray papers to scattered coffee mugs, clutter can make you lose focus and curb productivity. Declutter your outer environment and you may feel more organized and better able to concentrate on the task at hand.

4. Pump up the music. Several studies have found that listening to music can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and boost mood. The right music has the power to change your attitude. So load up your MP3 player and create a playlist that will make you smile — whether you’re working or working out. As long as you don’t blast it (bad for your hearing), this is a safe, healthy way to make your day more enjoyable.

5. Sniff a lemon. For a quick de-stressing trick, turn to an underrated sense — your sense of smell. Japanese researchers found that linalool; a substance found in lemons, may turn down the classic “flight-or-fight” stress response…

Read more: Jennifer Soong, WebMD

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