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Kanye West: I just made love to Kim K

Talk about Twitter oversharing—Kanye West apparently sent out the following tweet last night after an intimate session with girlfriend Kim Kardashian: “I just f**ked Kim so hard.”

This is the man who called her in song his “perfect bitch.” Now he wants to share with his followers every graphic detail of his life with Kim.

Forget about protecting his woman’s honor, respecting their privacy, keeping visions of her sexuality out of the fantasies of men across the globe—well, too late for that last one.

Anyway, Kim apparently got him to delete the tweet a few minutes later—but not before it got re-tweeted 7,410 times and favorited 39,777 times.

Kim’s mom Kris Jenner wasn’t too happy about the “perfect bitch” song; how’s she going to feel about this one?


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