Pres. Obama Praises Beyoncé as Role Model for His Daughters

Barack Obama has praised Beyoncé as the perfect role model for his daughters.

The president spoke at a fundraiser the singer and her husband Jay-Z hosted for the US president’s re-election campaign in New York – where they raised $4 million.

“To Jay and Bey, thank you so much for your friendship. Beyoncé could not be a better role model for my girls,” the president said, according to The Guardian.

During the evening, the US president joked that he had a lot in common with the million-selling rapper, telling the audience: “Jay-Z now knows, you know, what my life is like. We both have daughters. And our wives are more popular than we are… So we’ve got a little bond there. It’s hard, but it’s OK.”

Read more: The Guardian

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