Dolphins’ Reggie Bush Has Breakout Game in Win over Raiders

Known in recent years more for his former relationship with Kim Kardashian than football, the Miami Dolphins’ Reggie Bush earned his celebrity status for the first time in a long time Sunday against Oakland.

Running with a renewed vigor and purpose, Bush churned his way to 172 yards on a career-high 26 carries and scored two touchdowns to charge the Dolphins to 35-13 win over the Raiders to give some life to a franchise that was in serious doubt after last week’s 30-10  debacle against the Houston Texans.

When he was  done, the Dolphin crowd  chanted “Reg-gie! Reg-gie!” and Bush took it all in. Lacklutser performances and injuries made Bush look like an ordinary player. Not Sunday, though.

“It feels good,” Bush, who had a 65-yard touchdown run, said. “I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t, to hear the fans cheering you on.”

The festive mood was a welcome change for the Dolphins, rebuilding after a third consecutive losing season and coming off their most lopsided season-opening loss since 1988.

“This game was huge for us,” Bush said. “We talked all week about bouncing back and just winning one game. This game is huge for our confidence.”

The Dolphins trailed 10-7 in the third quarter before finally taking advantage of superior field position, when they had the Raiders pinned at their 1 and forced a punt that gave them the ball at the Oakland 44. Four plays later, Bush scored the go-ahead touchdown either because of terrific balance or terrible tackling, depending on a spectator’s point of view.

He cut inside and ran through the arms of four defenders en route to the goal line.His second touchdown came on a sweep, with Bush breaking into the open and dashing up the sideline. He leaped over the goal line as three defenders closed in, then raised his arms in jubilation. The adoring crowd went wild.

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