Chris Brown Denies New Tattoo Is Of Rihanna

Chris Brown and Rihanna back in the news again

R&B bad boy Chris Brown continues to be the talk of the entertainment world for reasons other than his sultry music or silky smooth moves on the floor.

But the singer has denied that the new neck tattoo showing a woman with a brutally beaten face is supposed to be his former girlfriend, Rihanna, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Brown was convicted of assaulting Rihanna following the 2009 Grammy Awards three years ago and the image on his neck resembles injuries the songstress suffered during the altercation, including a black eye and a bruised lip.

Brown was first spotted sporting the new tattoo on Sept. 1.

A source close to the 23-year-old Brown insists that any resemblance to Rihanna is purely coincidental.

“It’s a random woman,” the source said.

Following his arrest, Brown has been working with various domestic violence intervention and prevention organizations.

The two stars have since reconciled and have allegedly dated on and off since the incident. The pair shared a kiss during last Thursday’s MTV Video Music Awards, while Rihanna confessed to Oprah Winfrey of still having feelings for her former flame.

“I truly love him,” she told Oprah through tears in an interview last month, in which she confirmed the pair continue to have a “very close friendship” since the restraining order was dropped.

“I just felt like he made that mistake because he needed help.”

Rihanna, however, maintained that she was single in the interview with Oprah.

“The main thing for me is that he is at peace,” the singer said. “I’m not at peace if he is unhappy or he is still lonely. I care. It actually matters that he finds peace.”

Rihanna recently showed off a new tattoo of her own that first became apparent when she posted a picture on Instagram on Monday of the new body art of an Egyptian goddess that honors her late grandmother.

It read, “Goddess Isis- Complete Woman – Model for future generations- #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart #1love.”

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