Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Baby Blue Have Family Time on Luxury Yacht

Beyoncé is wrapping up a weekend sailing through the Mediterranean with her family. More pictures of Jay-Z, Beyoncé and baby Blue have surfaced and the trio seems to be enjoying their family time. In the flicks, Beyoncé was cuddling her baby as they floated on their rented yacht. There are also pictures of Beyoncé taking a jet-ski out for a spin. In another picture, Jay-Z is seen hoisting his baby girl in the air and playing with her as Beyoncé took pictures.

Jay-Z clearly has no issue showing his love for Blue and in an interview with the New York Times Magazine, he shared the values he wanted to instill in his daughter. “[She] doesn’t have to be tough. She has to love herself, she has to know who she is, she has to be respectful and be a moral person,” he told the magazine. He does admit that his youth in the hood helped him prepare for life. “We would fight each other. My brother would beat me up,” said Jay-Z. “I was going to have to fight, I was going to have to go through some things, and they were preparing me.”

He also shared that although he thought that his daughter would inspire him to write more lyrics, he has had a bit of writer’s block. “I thought that I would after my daughter was born. I thought I would be more inspired with all the new feelings and everything that I’d have to write about, but it really happened the other way. I just really wanna hang out with her. I just wanna enjoy those moments for a bit and I’m sure that feeling of music will come back to me,” he admitted.

He managed to write one song about Blue, “Glory,” which features a sample of her first cries and he believes the song is similar to one he wrote a long time ago. “My music has always been like that, if you listen to ‘Glory’ and you listen to ‘Regrets,’ which was on my first album, side by side, it’s exploring the same sort of emotions,” he continued. “It’s just one deals with my mom, one deals with my daughter.”

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