Madonna Strips in Support of Obama

Madonna had a provocative way of showing her support for the president last night.

While President Obama was addressing the nation from the convention stage in Charlotte, the Material Girl was on a stage at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. According to reports, she had just finished “Human Touch” when she began to take off her shirt.

That may not seem like unusual behavior at a Madonna concert—this is the same woman who offered her exposed nipple to the audience at a concert in Turkey in June. But this time she had a political rather than a sexual statement in mind.

Scrawled in ink on her back was the word “Obama,” visible just south of her black bra strap.

Later in the show, she talked to the stadium crowd about how traveling the world for her MDNA tour gave her a new perspective on America.

“It made me realize how lucky I am to be living here in America,” she said. “Thank God for Michelle Obama and her good-looking husband too. We are free. Do not, do not, do not take this freedom for granted because if you do for one second, you will lose it.”


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