New Details Emerge In Usher, Tameka Foster Custody Case

Did Usher Raymond taunt his ex-wife Tameka Foster about winning their nasty custody battle? More details have emerged thanks in part to Tameka Foster’s response on Twitter, a record phone call and other new information surrounding the case.

Following the judge’s ruling Foster took to Twitter to send subliminal messages against the decision.

“A woman’s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing… A mans loyalty is tested when he has everything!
Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you… Fear the fake friend that hugs you. There’s not much worse. Money can buy many things… But in the end. Truth & goodness will prevail. I must continue to believe this. Stand firm.”

The ruling may have stung Foster more after allegedly receiving a call from Usher before the final decision was even made.

“How does it feel to lose custody of your children? One day, I will tell my boys that they once had a mother.”

Reportedly Usher’s ex-wife plans to use the recording for her planned appeal. It is unclear exactly what caused the breakdown in their original parenting agreement but one report claims the media got the coverage all wrong. The report claims the case was unfair from the beginning since Usher’s attorney has a close friendship with the judge who presided over the case. In addition, Foster was only seeking an additional a $3,000.00 increase in monthly child support payments and wanted to maintain joint custody.

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