Former Obama Ally To Address GOP Convention in Tampa

Former Rep. Artur Davis, a four-term Democratic congressman from Alabama, will speak at the GOP National Convention at the end of this month. Yes, that’s correct—Davis was elected to Congress for four terms as a Democrat and now he’s addressing the Republicans in Tampa.

The reason this is especially noteworthy—why we are doing this story—is that Davis was such a close associate of President Obama that he actually seconded Obama’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention in 2008 and served as a co-chairman to the Obama campaign.

But that’s all ancient history in Davis’ mind. Now he’s on Team Romney, ready to do all he can to defeat Obama. Why? Well, he says it’s because he’s disappointed that Obama didn’t follow through on his promises to improve race relations and bring the Democratic Party closer to the center.

Davis portrays himself as a voice for the people who are disappointed with the performance of President Obama.

“The one thing that I can bring to the table is to be something of a voice for that group of people,” Davis said in an interview with the Washington Post. “President Obama – Senator Obama – ran on two broad themes. One of those broad themes was reunifying this country. And another broad theme was turning this economy around. I’ll certainly be talking about those two failures,” he added.

From 2003 to 2011, Davis strongly supported President Obama. In 2010, Davis made a bid for the gubernatorial seat in Alabama but was defeated in the primary by Ron Sparks, a much more liberal candidate. In May he announced that he was switching to the GOP, citing his differences with the Obama administration.

“I think the Obama administration has candidly gone too far to the left. You can raise all kinds of questions on whether that’s good politics or not,” Davis said in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “Obviously the election will determine that.”

Davis teamed up with Virginia GOP Victory Chairman Pete Snyder Wednesday at an event in Arlington where he spoke to potential voters.

Though Davis noted his differences with the Democratic Party, possible political ambitions could’ve added a little extra motivation in his decision. He is considering a bid for a seat in Congress where he would represent the state of Virginia. His switch to the Republican Party gives him an easier path to victory.

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