Katherine Jackson Won’t Press Charges Against Janet and Siblings

Katherine Jackson has no plans to press charges against her children for tricking her into traveling to Arizona, her lawyer told TMZ.

We’re not sure whether anyone in their right mind actually believed that Katherine would press charges against her own children, but then again, who would have believed even half of the stuff that has transpired in this sad Jackson family saga?

Katherine has said she was duped into going to Arizona, not realizing Michael’s three children were worried about her. Her departure—apparently engineered by Janet, Jermaine, Randy and Rebbie—was the trigger that brought about the weeks of drama that followed. Because she was no longer around, first her grandson T.J. called police and filed a missing persons report, which alerted the world that something strange was transpiring in the Jackson family. Then Michael’s daughter Paris began sending out tweets into the world, counting down the days since she had seen her grandmother and saying unkind things about her aunts and uncles. The tweets led to Janet and siblings showing up at the family home in Calabasas to, according to them, take the kids to their grandmother in Arizona. But when video surveillance footage was leaked showing Janet confronting Paris in the driveway and appearing as if she was trying to take the girl’s phone, the world’s condemnation began to rain down upon the famous Jackson siblings.

The end result was a Los Angeles judge removing Katherine as the guardian of the children—though he later reversed the decision when she returned to L.A. In addition, the executors of Michael’s estate have banned Janet and siblings from visiting the family home to protect the children, though it might be expected that Janet will challenge that decision.

So though her children brought about a world of horrible publicity and consequences on the family by bringing Katherine to Arizona, her lawyer says she is eager to move on.

“This chapter of chaos is closed and we are supportive of family unity in spite of recent events and arguably poor decisions,” said her attorney Perry Sanders.

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