Obama Getting More Money from Liberal Super PACs and Women

Liberal super PACs in support of President Obama began to close the spending gap last month with their conservative super PACs supporting Romney, according to an analysis by the website Open Secrets. Of the $21.5 million spent by the super PACs in June, conservative super PACs accounted for 53 percent while liberals accounted for 44 percent. The liberal super PACs made up 30 percent of spending in April and 35 percent in May, so the number has been steadily growing as the fundraising heats up.

But while Romney is doing better with the super PACs, Obama has a significant advantage among female donors above the $200 level.

Of the $20.2 million that Romney raised in June from contributions of more than $200, 27 percent of them were from women. By comparison, Obama raised $18 million in $200 donations in the same period, with 44 percent of that figure coming from women, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics. The analysis reveals the share of Romney’s fundraising from women has steadily declined since its height of 34 percent in February, while Obama’s increased from 41 percent in May (though its height was 46 percent earlier in the year).

Among the super PAC money, Obama is catching up because he is starting to get more money from the multi-millionaires. While Republicans still account for nine of the top ten contributions to super PACs in the last month, 12 of the top 30 contributors gave seven-figure amounts to the liberal super PACs.
Those big liberal donors include Fred Eychaner of Newsweb ($1.95 million, bringing his total contribution to $3.25 million), Irwin Jacobs, the co-founder of Qualcomm, and his wife Joan ($2 million, media mogul Haim Saban ($2 million) and actor Morgan Freeman ($1 million).
The top industry donor to the liberal Priorities in June was retirees, shelling out over $2.3 million. The TV, music and movies industry came in second with over $1.3 million in donations last month.

Romney again relied on donations from Wall Street but not as much as in earlier months. Wall Street still contributed over $1.9 million but was outdone by several conservative megadonors, placing them fourth on Restore’s list of top industry donors. The super PAC’s top sources for money last month were the casino and health professionals industries—mainly because Sheldon and Miriam Adelson donated a combined $10 million last month. Home builders came in at number three, because of $2 million from Texas construction magnate Bob Perry.

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