Katherine Jackson, Michael’s Mom, May Be Missing

Katherine Jackson, mother of Michael Jackson, was reported missing by one of her nephews late Saturday night because family members had been unable to reach her, but the Los Angeles Police Department issued a statement this morning saying that she may be with other family members.

It is unclear who the family matriarch is staying with, but the whole episode points to the general disarray of the feuding Jackson clan.

The nephew filed a missing person’s report with the L.A County Sheriff’s Department after her grandchildren had been unable to reach her for more a week, according to TMZ.

She has never gone more than 24 hours without speaking to her grandchildren, her lawyer told CNN.

While Jermaine Jackson tweeted earlier this week that Katherine was in Arizona resting up on doctor’s orders, Paris Jackson tweeted, “yes, my grandmother is missing. i haven’t spoken with her in a week i want her home now.”

She followed that up with a plea for people to call the authorities if they see her, then added, “the same doctor that testified on behalf of Dr Murray saying my father was a drug addict (a lie) is caring for my grandmother… just saying.”

The Jackson family has been feuding of late, with family members fighting over the decision by Paris to take a movie part—something with which Janet apparently disagrees—and their claims that the executor of Michael Jackson’s will should be fired because the will is a fake.

It’s not clear who is in charge of 14-year-old Paris, but if the girl is fighting with her uncles over Twitter there can’t be a lot of communication and supervision going on.

The 14-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson responded to a tweet by Randy about her father’s will being fake, where he also claims that his mother Katherine is in bad health.

Randy Jackson tweeted about a letter from him and his siblings Janet, Rebie, Tito and Jermaine that claimed Michael’s will was fake.

The letter demanded that the Jackson Estate executors John Branca and John McClain resign, but also stated that the stress from the problems caused Katherine Jackson to suffer a mini-stroke.

Paris was angry about the “lie” and tweeted, “I am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened, she is completely fine. I will defend my beloved family member with all I have, even if it means from other family members.”

Katherine’s attorney, Perry Sanders, denied that his client was in poor health.

Paris also sent another message to Randy, tweeting, “@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member I don’t appreciate you telling everyone things that aren’t true thank you very much.”

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