‘Black Father’s Day’ Creator’s Video on Fatherhood is ‘So Awesome’

You might recall that Atlanta Black Star did a week-long salute to black fathers leading up to the celebration of Father’s Day 2012.

Our purpose in doing this was simply:

“Since we began Atlanta Black Star more than a month ago, we have endeavored to bring readers the stories behind the headlines—burrowing beneath and beyond the soundbites to offer the black community information that might help readers make better sense of their world.

In no place is that task more crucial than in telling the stories of black fathers. As a group, black fathers have largely been reduced to statistics speaking to what they are NOT: they’re not in the home; they’re not marrying their baby mamas; they’re wantonly spreading their seed across the land; they’re not paying child support; they’re not getting the job done.

But behind those mind-numbing headlines, there’s another tale to be told: The stories of the millions of black fathers who are quietly, solidly, effectively fathering their children every day, supporting their families, loving their wives, lifting up their communities.” –  Nick Chiles, Editor-in-Chief

Our commitment to this observation is not seasonal and it is in that spirit that we share the follow video.

A new video by Matt Prestbury (creator of Black Father’s Day) was recently released on YouTube and we wanted to share it with you. You can check out the song titled “So Awesome” below. Don’t forget to let us know what you think is “So Awesome” about fatherhood in the comment section.

From YouTube:

I wrote this song to celebrate all that being a father brings to me and to encourage those who aren’t in their children’s lives to get involved. Absentee fathers rob themselves of the joys of fatherhood. Be a father to your child TODAY!!

The video is shot entirely by my 11 year-old sun and myself, and completely edited by me.


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