Rihanna Shares Sexy Bikini Photos On Twitter

Rihanna sails the Mediterranean and her Twitter followers are coming along for the trip. A few days after landing in Barbados to attend her grandmother’s funeral the 24-year old pop star figured it was time for a vacation. We should also note that Rihanna works very hard. 🙂

“Phuck it! Time for a vaca, ima need a boat and some ho’s! Who’s in?!”

Her bestie Melissa, her assistant Jennifer Rosales, her assistant’s boyfriend (lucky him) and several other friends were in. Rumors are still floating that rapper Drake may join the trip – we highly doubt it.

Along the way to Italy and Sardinia Rihanna tweeted photos along the way.

The cutest photo is a black and white shot displaying the singer’s true beauty. Another shows Rihanna sandwiched between her girlfriends all dressed in bikinis.

More on Rihanna.

Rihanna to design capsule collection with River Island

“I’ve been wanting to design my own collection for some time. River Island is the perfect partner for me to collaborate with and working with a British, family run business also really appealed to me. I find London really inspiring and River Island loves to have fun with clothes. I’m looking forward to working with them and creating something really special.” FULL STORY

See more sexy bikini pics below

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