Do We Push Our Kids More Than We Push Ourselves

As parents, we want our children to have the best of everything. The best education, the best friends and grow up with the best values. Along with having those desires for them comes our urgent need to push them in certain areas. I find myself really challenging my children to step outside of their comfort zones. Even though, as an adult, I just truly started stepping out of mine. I feel as though I wasted a significant amount of time, being fearful, doubtful and lazy. Quite naturally I don’t want that same journey for my children.

Recently, I was the guest speaker at my church and I delivered a message to the women. As I shared the message my eyes stayed fixated on my daughters. Because although the message was intended for the women of the church, it was ideal for my girls. The topic was boldness. It was about having boldness in Christ and in life. The message was newly written for that particular service, but the message was something my girls had heard and experienced time and time again. See, I frequently challenge them in the area of boldness. I force them to go after what they want. I don’t ever want them to waste their dream or have any regrets or delays in reaching their goals.

My teenage daughter recently completed a journalism program in which she had the opportunity to meet and work one-on-one with several successful Chicago area journalist and magazine writers. A dream come true experience for any aspiring writer. I would have loved to have this opportunity as I was coming up. The keynote speaker (of the graduation ceremony) was a published author and columnist for the Chicago Tribune. After the festivities, as everyone networked, I found myself pushing my daughter out of that old familiar comfort zone once again. Even though I would have loved to have this opportunity as a teen, I know I would not have been able to do what I was now forcing her to do, due to the fact I was extremely shy and would not have realized the value of this experience. But I pushed her anyway. I challenged her to work the room and make connections. Although reluctantly, she did it and successfully started building her network of professionals who already do exactly what she wants to do.

It’s easy for us as parents to know exactly where to push our children, because we are familiar with the opportunities lost as a result of our not being bold and fearless. While it may be occasionally uncomfortable for my girls, I know I am encouraging them to be bold now in order to reach their fullest potential later.

Source: Black and Married With Kids

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