Chris Bosh's Ex Girlfriend Allison Mathis Rips His New Image

Chris Bosh is living high after winning his first championship ring with the Miami Heat, an interview with Oprah Winfrey and a new baby with his wife Adrienne Bosh. But the player’s reputation is in jeopardy as his ex-girlfriend and mother of his first daughter Trinity is calling him out for leaving them high and dry.

Allison Mathis lost her job last month and has since been forced to apply for public assistance after she has struggled in vain for her once loving ex-boyfriend to provide assistance matching his $18/million salary. Allison is reportedly receiving $2,6000/month in child support. In an interview with Gossip Extra Allison reveals her version of events with her relationship with Chris Bosh

On finding out she was pregnant:
Our daughter was planned and took a long time for us to conceive. Chris was in the beginning more so adamant about having a baby out of wedlock then I was. So I would have never imagined it at all and we were both very, very elated when we got the news that we were going to be having a baby. [There’s video footage of a happy Chris Bosh with the pregnancy test]

On why they never got married:
We talked about it; we actually got fitted for rings and everything. We talked about the different designs and everything so it was definitely in the plans. He, of course, told my mother and assured my mother because my mother was very kind of against us having a baby before marriage. But he assured her; he told his mother and father, so a lot of my family and I were aware that it was going to happen and it just did not.

On how Chris Bosh has changed:
They’re so extreme. I literally do not know at all this person. I guess I somewhat knew ‘C’ before but the #1 guy I have absolutely no idea who he is. He was always very reserved and very laid back and enjoyed the private life that we had. We were always invited to events especially in Toronto, he was kind of like the King of Toronto, and we had the key to the city. We went out quite a bit at that time and we were always invited to big events but we kind of took the back door in. We never really want to be in the forefront of everything; we just wanted to enjoy our time and enjoy our friends. Now it’s like he’s like, “Please let me know when the red carpet is.” It’s just so…who is he?

On her daily struggles
Day to day struggles, of course with him I was able to eat well every night and now it’s my daughter and myself and it’s hard to know where the next meal is going to come from. I lost my job not even a month ago and this economy is really, really tough. You know I’m not the only one and I don’t expect for anyone to feel sorry for me and have pity on me but I do think that the father of my child, given the fact that he is able to help his child out, should be willing to.

On Chris Bosh response to her struggles
He’s living this life, not by any means the same life as my daughter and I are living, but he knows exactly what is going on. He knows that we desperately need his help and he’s just not even offering anything other than I think he was quoted saying “I’m sadden.” But I think instead of being sad be glad to help your child.

I have applied for assistance and I’m waiting on my letter back to know whether or not I have been accepted. For food stamps.

Watch the two part interview below: Do you believe Allison?

Part 2:

Source: NecoleBitchie

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