Love & Hip Hop's Joseline Hernandez, Stevie J Unleash Twitter Rants

UPDATE-The Twitter pages of Love & Hip Hop stars Joseline Hernandez and her rumored boyfriend Stevie J and even creator and producer Mona Scott Young is lighting up!! All the stars are fending off critics over either an inappropriate relationship or another show only highlighting the negative side of black people. First Mona Scott’s message to the “haters”,

You know what they say..”Shoot the messenger”. But more simply, if you don’t like the show…DON’T WATCH IT! Freedom of choice!! I just … the folks talking shit but glued to the screen. Change the damn channel!! LOL!

Joseline Hernandez who may very well be the breakout star this season was also on the defensive. She tweeted a naked photo of herself to contest the popular belief that she’s a man.

“I am 100% women [sic] I’m clearly perfect cause that’s the only thing y’all can say sence I air my dirty laundry on tv. F ck y’all haters.”

On her relationship with Stevie J and her stripper past she added,

“Yes I (used) to Dance so f**king what b***hes. All y’all ni***s payed me and y’all daddy’s n brothers.”

“Please guys is all about that check understand life or u will be broke 4 ever,” she said, adding of her co-star, “Lol Stevie J is every1’s man so please!! Not just mines … I’m not gready I share!!! who wants him?! he will put u on 2!!”

“Blah blah blah. Keep on watching me on Love and HipHop Atlanta. Lmao im ready for the world!! I already won. I am an artist f**k what u heard.”

Without denying his sleeping around on longtime girlfriend Mimi Faust, Stevie J tweeted,

“It’s only the 1st episode ladies geez! I’m the good guy. I lie because i dont wanna hurt her. Most guys feel the same way.”

“I’ll take all of the cussing, fussing, arguing for my love!”




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