Kim Kardashian to Oprah: We Don’t Do Anything For Ratings

Kim Kardashian told media mogul Oprah Winfrey that her 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries was not an act to boost ratings. Kim K used the first part of a two-part interview with Winfrey to reiterate to fans that she entered the ill-fated marriage with the best of intentions.

“I was in love. I wanted the life that I always pictured my fairytale life to be,” said Kardashian. “We have an amazing fan base. We don’t do anything for ratings.”

On Oprah’s Next Chapter, Kim Kardashian explained to the queen of media that everything was great in the beginning of her relationship with NBA forward Kris Humphries. But once the two love birds decided to move in together, the happy nest fell apart. “I don’t want to get into the small things,” said Kardashian, “but once we moved in, I knew he was not the one… I didn’t spend more than a whole week with my ex before we married.” The curvaceous television personality made sure to conceal Humphries’ name in the interview.

“I will always have a place in my heart for him,” she admitted to Winfrey, but was adamant about the professional athlete not being the one for her. Despite their differences, she insisted that the New Jersey Net hooper is a good person.

Kardashian had no idea that her marriage would fail, but every one else around her questioned her decision the night before the wedding. “Do you want out? You’re not yourself,” her mother said on the wedding’s eve. Boredom in the bedroom may have attributed to the couple’s break up but Kim K stresses that there were other reasons why the romance ended.

Kardashian also told Winfrey that she suffered from emotional distress due to the media’s verbal attacks on her and her short-lived marriage. With so many onlookers believing the hitch was a fake, her quickie marriage became a punchline for pop culture. The star was constantly bashed, damaging her brand. Kim K was no longer as “real” as her reality television show depicted, sending her into a whirlwind of depression.

“I was in such a deep depression I thought I was going to back away from everything,” she told Winfrey. “I stayed at home for almost four months.” Her four month leave from the public eye was an attempt to heal the pain she dealt with after the separation. She was devastated by her decision to cut things off with Humphries. Devastation soon turned into embarrassment, forcing her to consider bidding adieu to the spotlight.

But Kardashian stood strong in the midst of backlash, dubbing the 72-day coupling as a life lesson and not a mistake. One of the lessons she said she’s learned is how to keep things moving in a positive direction between her and hip-hop heavy-hitter Kanye West. “I always dated five years younger,” said Kim, who is now 31. “My whole thing is completely different, and now I just love that I’m with someone that’s a couple years older than me.” Kanye West is 35, a tasteful four years older than the Armenian bombshell.

“For anyone I hurt, I’m truly sorry,” Kardashian said to her fans. “I don’t wish pain on anyone, but [I am the] person I am because of that crazy experience, I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
Kim K posted a picture of her standing alongside the television icon to her twitter account. She then tweeted, “Ummmm no big deal Oprah just left my house! #DreamComeTrue” Part 2 of Oprah’s Next Chapter with Kim Kardashian will air this Sunday on Winfrey’s OWN network.

source: Atlanta Black Star

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